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  • Writer's pictureLeah Schreier

More about schule und leben

Updated: Aug 29, 2019


So I started schule (school) on Thursday, August 15th. It's quite different from school back in the US. The length of the school day for me varies depending on what day it is and what classes there are. Classes are only 45 minutes, often with 15 minute breaks in between classes. When I have Spanish I have to stay later (to 3:25) but I get a 45 minute break for lunch where I sit with the other exchange students. So far, the classes aren't too difficult. I'm taking the following classes: German, English, Spanish, History, Math, Bio, Chem, Physics, Music, Art, Ethics, Politics, and Gym. I will be switching to Geography for the second semester from one of those which is really good because the two most important classes for me this year were English and Geography. Everything else is just an added bonus that will be extremely helpful for when I get back.

Here in Germany, one has every class with the same kids. So all the students go from class to class (sometimes we stay in the same room but with a different teacher) together. I don't mind it because everyone in my class that I have talked to has been really nice and understanding of my situation. Even my teachers. My German teacher talked to me and explained that she was an exchange student in college and knew what I was going through. One of her professors graded her on her work, rather than her effort, so she made a point to tell me that she would treat me differently. As long as she can see that I'm trying, she will be lenient. In my school here, class grades are based mostly on participation. This will be easier for me once I am more comfortable with the language. I am, however, able to easily participate in gym, Spanish, and English.

As you may have noticed in my list of classes, I am taking bio and chem. Again. It's my third year of Biology and second year in Chemistry. And the sad thing is that I'm so bad at science classes that I still don't know what I'm doing in either of those classes. Maybe learning everything in German will help me though. My Biology teacher is really cool. And he told me that I look like Lady Gaga (I'm not sure if that's good or...?). Later, one of the other exchange students told me that my name is said like you're warming up your hands (pronounced like "lay-ahhhhh"). So that was an interesting day.

Im Algemeinen:

Here's some little extra tidbits about life. Also, "im algemeinen" means "in general." First of all, there are SO many mosquitoes. Living here reminds me a little bit of living in Illinois. It's almost always cloudy, it rains quite a lot, and there's multitudes of mosquitoes. I don't mind the rain at all though, I like it. Except for when I'm biking to or from school; then it's not good.

Zoe is leaving on Thursday (Donnerstag) and it's a little sad. I asked Noelle how she felt about it and she said that it hadn't really hit her yet. I think that's normal because that's how I felt too. Over the weekend, I got to meet the neighbors, more of Zoe's friends, and the family that lives in Germany. The whole weekend was kind of like a "Auf Wiedersehen, Zoe" that was really sweet. I've tried to think of tips to give to Zoe but I don't have too many. Next year I'll be able to help exchange students because I'll know what they're going through. I'm sad to see Zoe leave. She has such an amazing personality and shes been so kind and helpful to me. I and SO many other people will miss her but I know that she'll have a great time too.

Something that I heard from an exchange student in America was that we, as Americans, use the phrase "I love you" far too often. Coming here has shown me that we really do. I never hear "Ich liebe dich" in the hallway at school. It's making me wish that things were like that back home. So I've tried to be more careful about saying it either to someone or about them. It's a little difficult but I really am determined to get it to stick. "I love you" should be a phrase with a lot more meaning. When a phrase is said too much, it loses all meaning. I don't want that to happen. Once I get back, I want people to know that if I say those three words to them, I really mean it. I encourage everyone reading to do the same. Be careful about what you are saying and only say things if you really mean them. It gives your words a lot more power.

I'm sorry that there's only one picture; but that's been the only notable thing since my last post. There may be some next time. Stay tuned! <3

My first day of schule at Gymnasium Papenburg-- my 5th school in 5 years!

p.s. I am going to be writing a song on the piano. Lyrics and music. If you have any ideas on what I should write about, please let me know :)

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